Deploying a React / Node app on Linode with Nginx

I wrote a new project - but this isn’t the blog post about the project. If and When I write it, you’ll be able to see it here. No, this is the blog post about how I got the new project up and running on Linode. Let’s go. Starting at the “finish” Web apps are never really finished, I think they’re at some point good enough to try deployment - like, good enough, but with room to grow....

March 27, 2024 · 11 min · 2267 words · jmchor

Why Vegans Don't ..

.. visit zoos, ride horses or sing along to “Baa baa black sheep” Some things in life aren’t very nice - actually, a lot of things in life can very not nice, if you think about it: war, famine, climate crisis (just to name a few global things), or stubbing your toe, fighting with a loved one, etc (to name a few very local things). The title is mainly referring to a slogan I saw on a T-shirt once:...

October 16, 2023 · 15 min · 3030 words · jmchor

The pursuit of happiness

Recently, I’ve been very concerned with the question of what it means to be happy, or what it means for me to be happy - so less of a search for the general phenomenon and more of a self-reflection type of search. All of that started when I had the first psychotherapy session of my life. Already in the days before the appointment I felt myself be more “better” to myself and others - I expected some sort of cathartic moment talking to a therapist, and that expectation alone gave me a different perspective on how I conduct myself and the way I handle things....

July 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1242 words · jmchor

I'm the Developer Now

Or: how we finished bootcamp with a React social media platform So, this is it! Bootcamp over, certification in the mail - you are now a full-stack web developer. And to be honest - that is really, really cool. I think most of us who have built their last projects are happy that the 24 weeks are over - it took a lot of time and effort from us that we spent coding and studying and worrying about coding and studying - it is nice to do something else for a change in our freetime other than that....

July 1, 2023 · 7 min · 1379 words · jmchor

The Ironhack Experience

And so it begins - after waiting for almost six months, anticipation, and yes, in the last week or so - stress (almost), Day 1 of my Web Development Bootcamp experience is drawing closer. On November 29th I will sit in the “remote campus” (aka my home in front of my screens) and will receive my first ever face-to-face (Screen-to-screen?) lesson on web development. So far in my learning-how-to-code-career it went from reading books to reading other books to reading StackOverflow to Google to Udemy (a bit) to CS50 (for 20 minutes) to listening to podcasts to video tutorials (mostly by Wes Bos) - to here....

June 29, 2023 · 42 min · 8817 words · jmchor

Live like you give a damn.

The internet is full of blogs, full of people throwing their opinions and experiences out there. Well, here’s mine: the vegan section of my blog. My goal is not to be a vegan blogger. I decided to make part of my blog be about veganism because it’s a defining part of my personality - and this is a personal blog. I write about the stuff that moves me, and that I can actually write about, because there is progress and process...

January 22, 2023 · 13 min · 2617 words · jmchor

970 more to go

I remember the first time I ever heard about Wes Bos - I was probably putting our kid down for a midday nap, and in order not to be anxious to get out of there, I put in a podcast. I was fairly new to podcasts, but I had found one that was called CodeNewbie, and that seemed to really scratch an itch I had, namely: I don’t know anybody who either is a coder, works in programming or has any knowledge about it (other than a colleague who I couldn’t talk to because of work hours)....

November 29, 2022 · 8 min · 1690 words · jmchor

Linode Web Hosting

I don’t know exactly when I decided to switch to Linode for Web Hosting - I can’t pinpoint the day or anything, but certainly I remember WHY I did it. But let’s back up a bit. Since I started coding (which seems AGES ago, but arguably for real that was in the last nine months) I wanted a webpage or website that I made accessible for the public - either via my Synology or a proper domain....

November 25, 2022 · 6 min · 1176 words · jmchor